Monday 30 April 2018

Turmeric: An Ayurvedic Drug

A well-known Masala turmeric gives not only taste and flavor to eat but it is also an Ayurvedic medicine. Nani, this grand place of grandmother in the first aid box.

This can be used in the following ways:

- Mixing a spoonful of turmeric powder in a glass of hot sweet milk helps in internal injury of the body.

- Mix turmeric with sweetened hot milk daily for 5 consecutive days, mouth acne cures.

Taking a pinch of turmeric a day increases appetite. Drinking it also benefits the intestines.

- Paralysis of turmeric skin destroys bacteria.

Prepare the paste by mixing turmeric with water and apply it before the boiling bath. In a week you will get a clean look in the skin.

- In a small turmeric add a cup of coffee, mixed with a little mustard oil and removing the lip, removes the diseases on the skin.

- Soak granulated chickpea turmeric in fresh cream and put it on face and hands. Rubbing and drying after drying Clean the face with lukewarm water. The skin will bloom.

Add mustard oil, turmeric and water in gram flour and make thick coating. Apply this solution well on the face and whole body and dry it out. The skin will become shiny

- Taking turmeric scars with hot water at the time of stomach ache, helps in reducing blood flow and relieves pain.

- When small children are coughing, boil in half cup of water, add half a teaspoon of turmeric powder, a little molasses, celery, and a clove. After boiling well, filter it after being warm, then drink spoon. The child will not only get relief from colds, but also if it is constipated in the stomach it will also be cured.

- Fenugreek granules and turmeric can also be taken to clear the month.

- Swelling of the turmeric and lime on swelling leads to swelling.

- The elderly say that without the help of turmeric the food is bad. In fact, it is said due to its medicinal properties.

Turmeric is the only part of a preservative, which is why the pickle is an integral part of the spice.

- In the 'Ghasara' i.e. 'Ghatti' given to the newborn, mango turmeric is also given due to its Ayurvedic properties.

- If you have a strong cold, burning of turmeric on hot burning kunda, it provides relief from cold and cold due to sniffing of smoke that arises from it.
- It is said that by consuming a spoonful of turmeric daily, appetite increases. Stomach and intestines are cleaned.

- To prevent bleeding after cutting or feeling, pure turmeric powder is also applied on the injury, causing the bleeding to stop immediately.

Turmeric is a good antiseptic and antibiotic, which is also mentioned in Ayurveda.

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